Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fibromyalgia Brachial Neuritis

Argentina and Teleworking - Telecom

In an internal event is renewed telework agreement with Telecom. During the launch of the new phase of the pilot in Telecom, the Chief of Staff of the Argentine Ministry of Labour, Norberto Ciaravino, was satisfied with the development of this project and stressed that "the contribution of Telecom experience is that it provides a platform for an extension material, labor regulations and Telecommuting in the country. We are laying the foundations for a new model of work, production and industrial relations.
Garrido told the website that "balance personal life / work life and operational efficiency are compatible and we're showing. Telecom implement telework because we continue to improve our employees' satisfaction with their working life. A greater satisfaction, more satisfied customers, that is the goal of Telecom Telework. "From Telecom - continued Garrido-offer our assistance and expertise in the field to work with companies interested in applying this new technology work in partnership with our telecommunications and data center which are essential for the efficient organization of this new mode of development work activities.
teleletrabajo Draft Telecom began in November 2008. Accounted for 50 employees of the cities of Buenos Aires, Campana, Cordoba, La Rioja, Mendoza, Parana, Posadas, Rafaela, Rosario and Salta, all age groups, and with equal participation of men and women. The type of work proposed in the pilot includes two days of job assistance and three days of telecommuting.
Beyond the tangible benefits employees who are participating in this pilot, the main challenge facing the company in the formation of these two alternative work spaces was the development of virtualization for each position, which allowed employees to connect from other computers and access to the same environment and information systems with the same computer security conditions that exist in the office.


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