Friday, July 31, 2009

How Many Computers Can Fsx On

Entrepreneurs: genetics question?

Much is said about entrepreneurship, but really: What does being an entrepreneur? According to Wikipedia

called enterprising entrepreneur or a person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the necessary resources to implement it. Other definitions say it is one that identifies a market opportunity and is willing to create an enterprise to take advantage and make money.

A person born that way? I do not think
There is a no and a yes, because on one hand, there is a basic attitude of curiosity, inner restlessness that not everyone has. It is also true that these qualities are developed and enhanced with the desire to learn and do something different from what was done to a certain time or circumstance of life. I think you can exercise the entrepreneurial spirit as you exercise a muscle and that this is going to learn in doing it.

characteristics of an entrepreneur

  • Self-confidence has
  • Is Positive, Optimistic, Curious, enthusiastic and persevering
  • Find a way realize their dreams
  • is able to face obstacles and risks to achieve what you want. When you make a mistake or fails, try to get ahead despite the difficulties it encounters.
  • is able to take risks. Be willing to learn
  • initiatives is a brave, but not suicidal.
  • tolerates uncertainty. Does not require certainty or security to do something.
  • has a high dose of autonomy and independence.


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