Monday, October 20, 2008

Loud Music Playing Tests


This year, Peru CasaCor 2008, also a regular guest the distinguished architect Marcelo Rosenbaum, host of "Home Sweet Home", the Brazilian O Globo powerful chain. Rosenbaum is a believer in improving the quality of life and self-esteem through the valuable contribution of the decor and home design.
is noteworthy that the architect - who also has been commissioned to intervene space "Loft of the young collector of art" - has built a resource of some cushions design patterns that we recognize as part of the culture chicha .
The covers, printed in a fluorescent green with text in orange-red, have been installed on a classic leather chair, under a concept in which all generations and styles can be reconciled without difficulty. "I thought to work as I do in Brazil, with memory, with culture, with things in the street with that folk art is very rich in color. Here, as in my country, there is much popular art and there a big difference between art styles of the rich and the poor. Then I thought of doing an exercise that would bring this gap, integrating all styles, because ultimately it is folklore that represents a country. And this is art, is for me, "says Rosenbaum, who declined to label their space as rather kitsch to summarize as a space that celebrates the memory.


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